Habits: Pragmatist approaches from cognitive science, neuroscience, and social theory. Un livre de Fausto Caruana et Italo Testa, publié en 2020
"Habits" is a collective book coordinated by Fausto Caruana and Italo Testa. The overall aim of the book is to revisit the notion of habits in the light of the so-called "pragmatic turn" at the crossroads of cognitive science, neuroscience and social science.
This book, published in English in 2021, is written by 28 authors working in different fields (cognitive sciences, neurosciences, philosophy, human sciences, medicine...) and from numerous universities around the world.
This book is not written by occupational therapists, but it highlights the interest shown by other scientists from the cognitive and medical sciences, neurosciences and human or social sciences in notions that are also part of our approach to occupation.
In the end, the content of this book raises the question of how occupational therapy and occupation science can communicate and share knowledge with these different sciences, based on common conceptual and epistemological foundations.
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(c) Revue Francophone de Recherche en Ergothérapie 2024

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